Excel is apparently a really useful spreadsheeting software.
I’ve used it at a relatively basic level for years. Now I finally have the opportunity to enhance my skills in it, which I will absolutely need for work. I must do it. I must. It will help with my tax return too. Really, it will. I must do that too. Strangely these are the last two things on my list of things that I’ve “always wanted to do but never had the time.” Right up there with re-arranging the kitchen and tidying the shopping bag and recycling cupboard.
I have largely re-balanced my private life and chakras. Yoga practice re-started, my muscles are still complaining but I am determined. My swiss ball has arrived and I am dutifully doing some exercises every couple of days. I have found some time for learning other european languages. I have relegated baguettes and wine to weekends only. I know not to drink disinfectant or bleach to kill coronavirus. Instead, I’ve drunk turmeric-laced green smoothies for breakfast, and eaten so much quinoa, lentils, nuts, seeds and salads that my colon is positively humming.
Even the cat has taken to her paraffin oil now that I have bought a new variety disguised in a meat-flavoured paste. She can’t get enough of it, licks it off my finger. Our bowels are functioning correctly. Stools the shape of perfect sausages that would make Dr Libby proud (see https://www.drlibby.com if you basically want to change your life).
I just need to balance my work life and better manage my workplace wellbeing. On reflecting, I know that one thing that will make a big difference will be to be really proficient in Excel, and fast. Also, I need to organise better my work key result areas. I have now been handed a gift in the opportunity to be able to work from home and finally concentrate on these tasks.
It is a long weekend this weekend in France. A public holiday today May 1st where the tradition is to give women a sprig of muguet (lily of the valley) for happiness and good luck. The tradition originated in 1561 when the flower was given to King Charles IX as a lucky charm. He decided to offer the flower to all the ladies from then on. Although being just 12 years old at the time, I’m not sure how much of a lucky charm for him it really was. Particularly given he died 11 years later of tuberculosis.
I digress.
Excel. Must. Do. Excel. Must. Do. Tax. Return.
The sun is shining outside but everything is closed. The apartment is sparkling clean. Ooh, yes, I must go and put another load of washing on. Then Excel. I promise.

This little gem arrived in the Belgium news. I just love Jacinda’s reaction to the journalist who keeps persisting for a comment on drinking bleach and disinfectant.