Right. I seriously need to take myself in hand. Having put on 5kg and finding myself puffing a little on what used to be an easy 45 minute walk for me, I have had to conclude that baguettes are taking their toll. I must also stop eating raspberry custard tarts.
Even though we are supposed to be coming out of lockdown on Tuesday, it will be a gradual process and basically means that more businesses will be allowed to open, along with schools but not much more. The gyms will likely still be closed as they can’t guarantee a minimum 1m distance.
So it’s time to be creative again, this time with exercise. Today’s walk was conducted via video call with a buddy. It was a nice way to socialise, pointing out the highlights of the neighborhood like the graffitied buildings, all the closed shops, and the empty marketplace. There were some gems of course, like the spring flowers, the trees with their new leaves and the way the sun sparkled over the river. In turn, I got to see their local park, see the sun glistening on the river there, and have a chat to their ex who happened to be walking through the same park with her new boyfriend (not awkward at all).
Fortunately, the swiss ball I have ordered is actually going to be delivered a week earlier than planned. I have also found a weight loss yoga workout online. The first time I tried it, I did marvel at just how effectively my internal organs were squeezed and “energised” just as the instructor said they would be. Couldn’t actually sit up properly for two days but never mind. I’ll get back into it.
While I haven’t been able to make gluten free bread with 43 nuts and seeds (still not a chia seed in sight…strange here in the land of butter, cream and cheese), I do still have plenty of lentils left. The cat is eyeing me suspiciously when I bring them out hoping, I imagine, that I won’t get any ideas given the paraffin oil bottle is still sitting on the bench.
So I bought walnuts, sesame seeds, beetroot, artichoke hearts, avocado, salad greens and some crottin chavignol (best goat’s cheese in the world). Plus quinoa. Plus a dash of turmeric. Made a salad that would see the cavepeople and their paleo diet green with envy and my microbiome suitably activated. Felt extremely virtuous and healthy afterwards and decided I deserved that lovely glass of Bordeaux red.

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