Today France officially surpassed China in the number of (tested) Covid cases. We’re number 5 in the world behind Germany, Italy, Spain and the US, with 89000 cases, a whopping 7000 added just today. We had the most deaths today, beating out US with 1053 deaths to their 943. Of course the US is doing it better at #1 with over 300, 000 cases. Not that this is a competition.

It is actually reassuring to check out the stats on . This is what you’ll be told: There have been 1 193 776 cases in the world. 883 371 are still active of which 841305 (95%) are mild and the rest serious. Even though the hospitals are saturated it’s good to know the chances of needing them are low.

The biggest worry of today was how to get the fridge fixed in a lockdown. It has chosen the perfect moment to go on the blink just as I made a large pot of chakra-enhancing dhal. Fortunately the freezer still works, just not the fridge. If anyone knows of an online fridge-fixing business let me know. Otherwise I’ll be forced to eat chips.

From Hurrah for Gin

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