I never cease to be amazed by the creativity of people during all this. It almost seems as if we are actually more connected than before, when we took our social outings for granted. I think I’m starting to be more social in my weekends than I was before all this.
Today I had an online girls night out and an online story reading. The girls’ night was just as fun as the real thing and even more so because I didn’t need to leave my bed. The only slightly odd thing about it were the time zone differences. One person was in NZ so it was 8pm Saturday. The other was in Hawaii so it was 9pm Friday. Both socially acceptable times for a girls’ night. Then there was me. 8am Saturday.
The others were horrified that I was only going to join them with a cup of decaf. Well, when life hands you lemons make lemonade I say, so there I sat in my bed with a glass of bubbles at 8am having a lovely, gossipy girls’ night out via video chat. Followed by an online story reading with said glass.
Then later that day I was invited to a 21 day online meditation group. Probably to re-balance my chakras or something.
Finally the day has finished at 8pm with the standard balcony clap alongside my neighbours in support of the healthcare workers.
Honestly, my social calendar has never looked so full as during this lockdown.

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