We have passed day 50 in lockdown.
Tomorrow we find out for sure if we will be able to start coming out of it on Monday. I hope so. It means the numbers are still coming down here.
Plus the cat is starting to dislike me being in her space again. I walk down the hall to make myself a cup of tea and from out of nowhere I get swiped on the ankle by a furry paw. Not even the laxative paste makes up for it. I go to pat her as she lies on the couch grooming and what do I get? Bitten. That’s what.
I am looking forward to being able to go up to 100km again and actually see people in the flesh. It will all still be at least 1m distance until the end of the year. Plus with a new fashion accessory – the mask. This will be us until there is a vaccine or until we eliminate it. This is the new normal for France. So we just have to make the best of it.
I did find a nice park today that I didn’t know about. The weather is warming up. I also rediscovered a cheese I had tried with friends last year. Couldn’t remember its name so I got in touch with my friend who told me the name. Livarot. Stinkiest cheese on the planet next to roquefort. Said I’d find it in any gourmet cheese shop in the city. As luck would have it, I also discovered there is one in my village. Stinky cheese under my arm.
Next is to learn a couple of other european languages. And I don’t mean Excel. Excel is a computer language. That I detest. Although I am proud to have mastered =IFS and VLOOKUP. I am now the VLOOKUP queen. It petrified me before. Couldn’t work it out. All those brackets and semi-colons and counting columns. Now the force is with me.
Still waiting to hear when we are going back to work. So sorry cat. You are going to have to put up with me a little while longer.