


Still processing the length of time of the border restrictions. According to MFAT the only transits they know of are via Doha or from London out on Malaysian Airlines.

It’s basically a message of “hope you’ve got enough money, job, healthcare, and accommodation to last you 12-24months while border restrictions/closures out of Europe and around the world are in place because it could go on that long. If not, get out now.”

Plus in NZ arrival just changed to two weeks supervised isolation/quarantaine straight off the plane in an “approved facility” checked on by the police. That sounds fun.

Woke my sensible, logical brother up early with a tearful phone call. There will be borders opening up over the next 12-24 months surely? While I am lucky enough to be able to stay put, processing that that might be up to two years with a severely limited ability to come back for any family emergencies etc is a bit much right now.

Must stay positive. After all, the cat has a french passport and would normally have to quarantine for two weeks too. So as a dependent, she’d probably be able to quarantine with me, even though she’s a french citizen.

What else ?

1. I still have a job.

2. I am in a position to stay put.

3. It was 25 degrees today.

4. The spring flowers are out and they even planted tulips and daffodils through the grass verges.

5. I have sensible friends and family on the other end of the phone.

6. I am halfway through Deepak’s consciousness meditations.

7. There may not be much loo paper, pasta or cat litter left on the supermarket shelves but the wine aisles are always well stocked.

8. My family and friends are ok in NZ and I am ok here.

9. The patisserie was still open so I have just eaten an entire baguette with Brittany butter and a custard flan.

10. The Covid curve is finally flattening even though our lockdown is going to be extended. It’ll be ok.

Realised I’ve been going about this all wrong. I don’t need to eat dhal and seeds to reset (thank God because that pistachio cream sponge looks amazing). I can just float through this lockdown on a higher plane of consciousness. After all, I have Deepak to help.

Let’s see. « If you send something out, then something will return to you ». Ok that means try not to cough and sneeze towards others.

« Money is my friend and the value of my investments is growing every day » Um, Deepak, we’re heading into a severe recession.

« I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams ». Yes! This is more like it! I will manifest the lean musculature that I used to have by consciously intending it! No need to actually do it! Particularly because at my age I’m barely flexible enough to touch my knee let alone perform swiss ball yogic exercises.

Maybe I’m better to take inspiration from the cat. She still hasn’t quite forgiven me for the paraffin oil but she got the last laugh watching me stock up the freezer with several containers of dhal. But she is a yogic master and seems to be experiencing some form of enlightenment. That, or she got into the catnip.

Bronte. Cat yoga or catnip?

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