
March 2020


Thank God we live in a time of internet. I can’t begin to imagine what it was like during the 1918 flu. Or the plague etc.

I continue to feel a bit average today. It’s easy to be a little too hypervigilant. Plus I may be a little dramatic at times. I convinced myself that I had shortness of breath and started to worry, shortening my breath even further. Then I reminded myself I had just run to catch a train, and this was the more likely explanation. But as the day progressed I started to feel like death warmed up. My head was killing me and I have a sore throat still. I was coughing. When I nearly coughed up a lung as well as my lunch in the bathroom, I decided that was it.

Fortunately we have a nurse at work so she took my temp, which was fine. But she gave me a couple of panadol, and sent me off because I was coughing. “C’est interdit” I was to consult a doctor via video. It’s possible I will have two weeks off. She handed me a mask and called a taxi. I rely on public transport here. Not at the moment apparently.

My first video-consultation. It really is clever. You book an appointment online with an available doctor – I still haven’t got around to getting a local one (big process). You put in your payment details then 10 minutes before your allotted time you click on the link to video call in.

After having brushed up on french medical vocabulary and how to pronounce coronavirus (coRRRONaVEErooss) in french, I furtively clicked the link. Did I have it? I feel hot. I feel dizzy. My nose is blocked. My head still hurts. I wondered if the thermometer might have been faulty. What if it hadn’t been calibrated recently?

The doctor came on and we exchanged the usual french pleasantries as if we’d just met at someone’s house for dinner. I described my symptoms. He tapped away on his computer. WHAT DO I HAVE???!!! Tap. Tap. Tap tap tap. “Date of birth?” Frown. For the love of God, WHAT?!?. “OK, I give you some panadol, cough syrup and nose spray. Do you need some time off work? Take some time for the rest of the week.”

No wonder I feel dizzy, I’m still holding my breath. “Is it…is it…corrronaveerooss? “ in my best french accent. He smiled. SMILED. “No Madame. You have what’s called a cold.”

So I got the advice about what to do if I had a fever of 39 plus and severe shortness of breath. Then he very efficiently uploaded my prescription, payment receipt and a medical certificate to my account. And that was that.

Note to self: Normal bugs still circulate.

Or lack thereof. So many people have lost their sole source of income through these lockdowns including my friends and family. People who can’t work from home and whose employers have to shut. The restaurants, bars, cafes. Hairdressers, locksmiths, caregivers, flight attendants. So many can’t get work either because there are now hiring freezes.

Fortunately governments are stepping in but it’s unclear whether the lost income will be fully recovered. Supermarkets are the best bet right now for jobs, or any essential item delivery outlets. Uber is in hot demand here along with taxis. We are prioritising only essential items deliveries. Not sure what this will mean down the line. Nothing funny about all this. Just another part of the lockdown rollercoaster where shit just got even more real.

One rather well-off person I know was actually laughing about those who were “less prepared“ than they were. Yes I tore strips off them. If you are in a good position at this time, I challenge you not to be an arse like this person was and reach out in some way to those who aren’t. It may not be a terror attack but this is still us. Kia kaha.

Today was relatively calm at work. Changed everything around to put in place the new 2 m rule. Then went to the supermarket. Again.

I feel like life has become all about the supermarket seeing as this is the only legitimate outing that I can do besides work. This time there were barricades and a looong line. People are adjusting and now give a wide berth out of habit. You have to remind yourself it’s not because you smell or anything. Seriously I’m going to turn into a whale if I keep boredom-eating.

I remembered the advice about being a tourist in your own town. Well not being allowed out to do that doesn’t help but did you know you can still visit museums? Yes that’s right. Online virtual museum tours. No queuing! Check them out.…/coronavirus-virtual-museum-tours

from la fonderie et piwi
from @craftingaCom
Barriers at the local supermarket with phased entry
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